dippin at school
2008 October - 2009 May
Created by Tdouet 13 years ago
jude would call home once a week or more depends.. , for lunch we'd all go under "The Tree" an theyd all dip , and all the coaches knew about it, but only One coach was into catchin em, and if he seen jude at the tree hidin lookin the other way, Coach would start marchin our way and hed ask anyone to tell em wer he was or if he was close, and if he was close jude would smoothly try n take the dip out and drop it on the ground n step on it, but Coach was pretty aware of it and he just walked really fast and hed maje jude swallow it with some water, , haha Cricket theres your readon for Judes bein sick 2 times out the week. and all we could do was laugh at him cause he wasnt quick enough to think about jus puttin it in his hand till coach got close enough .