kriket0031 28th October 2011

There are so many stories to be told. Like the times I caught Jude climbing in and out of his window. I heard him in his room in the middle of the night when he was supposed to be punished; i hear the window shut, so I called his phone and asked where are you? He said; I'm in my room why? I said: because its funny I'm in your room and you are now where to be found!!I told him to get home and turned the light off in his room but stayed in the room. He had his tv on so that was enough light for me to see his face when he got back in his room. Well he decides he will climb back through the window not expecting me in his room. Needless to say he was screaming and jumping around. All I could do was laugh I couldn't even fuss at him. I had scared the crap out of him!! If you ever scared Jude and saw his reactions you know why I was laughing so hard! It was priceless!!